For Your Consideration “Black Crow Moan”
Naras voting members have a listen to contemporary blues album "Black Crow Moan" by Eliza Neals.
October 2020
‘Blues Matters UK’ Detroit’s Finest Eliza Neals interview
"Blues-rock of the highest order" Blues Matters UK
September 2020
Downatthecrossroads dues paid “Black Crow Moan” review
"Black Crow Moan is one of the best blues rock albums you’ll hear all year, with Eliza Neals and her group of musicians playing..."
August 2020
Gimmie Live Presents “Eliza Neals” Drive In Concert Sept 18, 6pm Manchester-by-the-Sea, MA
A new outdoor “drive up” concert right north of Boston! Manchester By The Sea drive in concert will be a bomb so bring your friends... Read More
August 2020
BluesRock Review “Black Crow Moan” Classic
"The wild chemistry between Neals and guitarist Joe Louis Walker is what makes her Black Crow Moan such a thriving, thrilling biosphere of an album."
August 2020
Rocking Magpie emotional rollercoaster “Black Crow Moan” Review
"Eliza Neals raises her game in the sultriest of manners; proving that she really, really should be taken more seriously by Blues Aficionados and critics the world over."
August 2020
Amazon Hot New Release Blues Album & Best Sellers is “Black Crow Moan” April 2020
Eliza Neals "Black Crow Moan" Hot New Release #7 Amazon April 2020
August 2020
Number 3 Blues Album on French Radio is “Black Crow Moan” June 2020
Eliza Neals "Black Crow Moan" is the #3 Blues Album in France!
August 2020