24 April 2023
Blues-E-News Eliza Neals FIVE Questions

Blues-E-News FIVE questions with Eliza Neals

#MusicMonday #mondaymotivation #insidersecrets from #BluesENews their recent interview of “5 Quick Questions with Blues-rock Powerhouse Vocalist, Eliza Neals”🔌
Q2 Blues-E-News: If you were advising a young musician today, what would you tell them in terms of how to break into the business?

ElizaNeals: I would tell any young musician to play a lot of gigs and become the best performer he/she can become. Have something they do stand out from the rest. Write songs that are catchy test them out live on gigs for audience reaction. See how the reaction to their songs are received and fine-tune them. Hire a promo person in their genre to get them press and radio play. See where the music stacks up against the competition. It’s very helpful to get press and radio and see what the connoisseurs are saying about their sound. Work smart. ⚡️
4 More Questions go and read em 📲 blues-e-news.com/5-quick-questions-with-blues-rock-powerhouse-vocalist-eliza-neals/ 👀 #NewMusic #onlinemagazine #printmagazine #interviewquestions #answerhonestly #giveadvice #itsnotthatserious #goforward #trynewthings #youwillfail #youwillwin #bothWork #dontstop #learnwhatmatters #forgetwhatothersthink #createeveryday #dontbeshy #bestfootforward #runfast #lovehard #lighttheway #womenwhorock #bluessinger #touringartist #rocksinger #recordingartist ⭐️