02 April 2018
“Nu-Blues” Spotify Playlist includes 2018 Single “Another Lifetime”
Happy #MusicMonday #MondayMotivation to literally kick the #MondayBlues 🔵 to the snowy ❄️ curb by playing #Spotify‘s NU-Blues 🎶 #playlist #NowPlaying
👉🏼 https://open.spotify.com/…/…/playlist/37i9dQZF1DXb3MZdETGqKB
👈🏼 Thanks for including #AnotherLifetime
🎹 #BluesBallet
⭐️ Someone Real is Listening Cause that’s THREE NEW Playlists 
Wonderful to know outside of the sort of closed world of the US Blues market there is a worldwide group of listeners and fans that have Ears and know what they love to hear! I am thrilled that this unique group is bypassing the record companies and going direct to the creators of the music like myself. E-H Records LLC is providing the content that users love to hear, let us help you sync to the screen and and so many other great wonderful ways to share “Eliza Neals”