24 April 2022
Soundguardian phenomenon

Soundguardian phenomenon “Badder to the Bone” review

Mike Loncar over on ‘Blues4U’ radio and ‘Blues Corner’ at SOUNDGUARDIAN.com has reviewed my latest record “Badder to the Bone”  after two years of working in a crazy pandemicized world. Once again I have to grab a translator only to say OMG like 100 times…

“And phuuu … it’s all just like that again, it’s true and I just wonder what will happen because Eliza Neals is not just a musician she’s a phenomenon, she carries energy with her, she carries a terrible blues that has its roots in everything I love and what I always listened to… with great pride and personal joy I present you this new, latest studio album “Badder to the Bone” increasingly fascinating, musician Eliza Neals and yes, all of you who love this music really don’t waste time but include this album in your collections as soon as possible. Once you’ve done that show how you’re going to stay a little is to be taken aback by what you hear. The sooner you listen, whether her vocals, her piano playing, because now … after a full two years of Eliza Neals, she comes back to us with amazing striking blues rock.”

I could translate the whole review but there’s a nature to discovery and I hope you’re up for the task…

“This team {of musicians} literally shook us up and turned us upside down, took me out of my shoes and showed me how to do it. Detroit has always provided great musicians, great innervating musical rhythms and therefore you should listen to this album very carefully and I am deeply convinced that its content will literally ruin you!

With this new studio album, Eliza Neals lets us know that she will be a BIG exception among many of this year’s releases, which is yet to come. Why such a text? Because all the strength, all the expressiveness and complete dedication directs all of us that this is an album, which will … I dare to write it leave a big, significant mark on the blues scene. There are several reasons for my claims, for my self-confidence in this album, in this studio material, which brings us 10 songs and strongly, completely openly, speaks directly to us .. listen to what I offer you.”

I’m as you may know I’m working all the time to create something “that can’t be done.” If you knew how many times I heard that phrase in my life. Now back to the review…

This time, Eliza offers us a ‘hill’ of incredible blues material that makes my skin itch with pleasure every time, from that so open “blues feeling”. I don’t even know how many times I wondered while listening to the album, is that possible ?! Her vocals with an excellent musical background give absolutely amazing results. I don’t know which suits me better, whether when Eliza sings with a band or when she does it alone, only with piano, organ or any other instrument!

No doubt this ‘crazy’ team has to follow such vocal potential and when they come together, there is a real eruption of all those “terrible” blues emotions, states. Eliza Neals embodies all those gospel, soul, funky, jazz, rock and blues divas who have deeply and strikingly marked the world music scene. From the early 1920s until today, it’s a very impressive “bunch” of names and when it all comes together, it flows into each other and merges into the voices of just one person … then it’s the amazing Eliza Neals.”

I channel so much when I perform and sometimes it takes me places I did not even know.

All of you, who for one reason or another did not listen or perhaps did not perceive this amazing singer, please immediately look for her in the search engine on the net and see for yourself what it is. Simply, you can’t miss this musician and just like that, listen to her albums and see for yourself how this young lady sings. It’s hard to give so much strength, energy, feeling, tenderness in just one vocal at a time and sing your story so sincerely and openly.

Eliza Neals is undeniably an exceptionally prolific singer-songwriter, self-confident producer, arranger, “band leader”, pianist and truly unique in a live atmosphere. Impressive passion, expressed sexiness really works extremely dangerous. But on the other hand, her musical figure only comes to the fore with the incredible musical templates provided by her backing band. I’m spinning the album “Badder to the Bone” more and more often in my devices, I’m a little scared, because it all takes on connotations that aren’t very common. But I keep doing it, because this album simply won me over with its strength, immediacy and firm determination towards the best moments, which can provide us with extremely inspiring rock n ‘blues.

After successive auditions, I just wonder what the further course of events will be in the coming years, what else to add … except … Eliza, I believe in you and your musical talent and potential. Every part of you is terrible (badass) !!!”

I know SOUNDGUARDIAN has so many great music reviews on their website. OMG yes I’m thrilled that my music is making it’s way to so many ears. So go read and listen now…