24 February 2012
“The Blog Is” Reviews “messin with a fool” WOW!
Here is the Latest Awesome Analytical Cool Album review by Master of the Blues genre, Mr. George Seedorff ! Wow thank you for feeling where I am coming from… and going. Honored to say the least…
THE BLOG IS by George Seedorff
“Messin with a fool is Detroit music through and through and Eliza Neals is a vocal powerhouse.” “A full spectrum of emotion with a decidedly modern, yet sparing production style… producer Tino Gross, who has once again outdone himself .” “What you get is a wildly successful collection of soulful songs” “I cautiously think of her as the female Delbert McClinton, though such comparisons rarely do an artist in her league justice.” “intertwined are elements of urban and down home soul, a trace of jazz, even traces of punk rock here and there, an occasional exuberant homage to the Rolling Stones” “There is also New Orleans gris-gris, deconstructed Motown, mid-’60s rock ‘n’ roll (think Mitch Ryder), white Southern gospel, Holly Springs-style Mississippi hill country blues (think R. L. Burnside), one or two nods to modern dance music-style scratchy LP slips and slides, funky jazz, and absurdest avant garde. And there is the magic potion of Eliza Neals’ voice.” “All I can say is get your hands on the album.”
There is so much more. Thank you George click the link “THE BLOG IS”