17 January 2013
Time Warner Cable NYC Jan 18th 2pm! RockinBlues Show + New Music Video!
Tomorrow @ 2pm Tune In LIVE!
“Manhattan Neighborhood Network” on
“Manhattan Neighborhood Network” on
“Ginger New York” the go to Media gal for all things happening in the New York Music Scene!
Watch a LIVE PERFORMANCE plus NEWS and Interview! Tune in via the internet at www.MNN.org Channel 1!
Listen to the LATEST
Thank you Brent for including me among the greats of Rock n Blues! Quick jump to 27:00 but I suggest listening to the whole episode!
New Music Video!
“In Charge” goes down the voodoo road even further. Holy gris-gris! Hot and cold running gris-gris. This is the anthem for an in-charge woman. “I’m in charge, I’m in charge,” repeat. Note the wha wha, too, this is a nice touch. And so is both is the overdubbing of Neals’ voice, and her percussive acoustic [electric] guitar.”
by George Seedorff
(master blues ear & former president of Detroit Blues Society)
by George Seedorff
(master blues ear & former president of Detroit Blues Society)
Sad News my friend and Miami Beach Music Producer and owner of DEEP HAVEN MUSIC, Thomas Spiegel aka DJ Man-X has passed in late December 2012. I will keep him in my fondest memories he was a wonderful host and great producer. Go here for the CyberJamz Tribute Show . Thank you for including me in your first releases on DeepHaven You will be missed Rest In Peace!