WCSX, KGR Music, and S. Blackman – Thank You
Every time I get a chance to sit for a second I have to thank all the people that make this wonderful life even better. I have had a whirlwind of a beginning to 2008 and is only half way over.
WCSX – The OverEasy Podcast #62 Featuring Eliza Neals
My local favorite DJ Pam Rossi features local OverEasy artists in this online companion to her Saturday and Sunday morning shows. I was featured and wanted to extend my thanks to Pam and the entire WCSX crew in Detroit! Thanks for supporting me! I only get home so often now and miss the show but its great to hear the podcasts during my days here in NYC! WCSX 94.7 Thank You Pam!
KGR Music AKA Kenneth Robinson my pal and trumpet player from Detroit his experience spans a wide variety of genres. I just wanted to give him a shout out because its been hard to catch up with him after recording on the latest album “No Frogs For Snakes” you can hear his trumpet melt on “You can Bet” thanks Ken I will see you in the D soon!
Sean Blackman guitar player and family friend is another musician I have not run into since laying down beautiful music on “You can Bet.” He’s here somewhere in NYC making people smile and creating the flamenco sound he is popular for. Thank you Sean and hope to see you soon!